Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I want to say BYE.

I really like to be in Canada. I’m going to miss everything. I’m going to explain my life in Calgary. I live in the residence in the University of Calgary. I have three roommates. To live in the residence was very nice in the winter season because I could to go from my apartment to my classroom inside the university. I didn’t have to take the c-train or a bus.

My grammar teacher is Karen. She is very nice and she has a lot of energy. She loves to drink coffee and I gave her Juan Valdez coffee. In this class, I made really good friends like Eugene. He is very nice. Sary makes me laugh all time and she is a little bite different. I really like all my classes.

My reading and writing teacher is Kristi and she is very nice too. She made the best activity in this course. It was the letter that we had to write to ourselves. I really love that activity. All my classmates are the same, so we spend a lot of time talking and laughing. I’m going to miss them.

My listening and speaking teacher is Marcy and she is very nice and crazy, hahaha. She had a very nice class and I love it when she dances. In this class, all my classmates are different. I met Ana and we work a lot together. I also met Sol Ji. She is really different and nice.

I spent my entire lunch with Emi, Emmanuel and Ines. We laugh all the time and eat. I hope one day to see them again.

I will never ever forget this semester. I learned a lot and met a lot of people from all over the world.

See you guys I will go home next Friday.