Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Dog.


When I was 12 years old, I was looking for one dog. I am not sure if I felt lonely or something like that but I wanted a nice friend. One day I saw one advertisement. I read that they were selling dogs and it was very close to my house. I went to that place and I saw four dogs. They were very nice. The seller told me that I can keep it. I was alone in my house. I was very nervous because the dog was in my house. When my mother arrived to the house, she saw the dog and said “what’s going on? I showed and explained why the dog was here. My mother said” the dog is very nice" and my father said” he is really cute". We decided to buy the dog. After, we were looking for a name. My father reminded me that we had a special book with a lot of stories. We found a special name in that book. We called him Tahi - Arai. The meaning is the first in the sun. He liked to play with me and my brother. Now, he is 10 years old and he doesn't like to play with us. He just likes to sleep and eat. He loves to walk in the parks. He can see and hear very well. I think he is going to live for few more years. I love him. He is my brother.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hockey is my life !!!!

Hi everyone today I want to talk about what I like to do. I love to play hockey and I have played for 16 years. I play hockey roller skate. I played for D´RAPEG hockey club (this is the name of my club in Bogotá) I went to national park in Bogotá to play hockey. I have good discipline and I like to do exercise every day. I have a lot of friends there, friends that I met 10 years ago. I went to championships in Colombia and in different countries around the world. That is the reason why I traveled a lot. I was in Bogotá’s team and we won a lot of championships. I was in the national team. I played for Colombia in Argentina and Uruguay. My family love hockey like me. My father is a referee and my mother likes to yell and say (go David go David go) she loves watching my games. My brother likes to play like me. But, we are in different team. When our teams are going to play, my brother and I want to win. In the game we fight a lot. However, we know that it is just a game. We are ok in our house. I hope that one day we will play in the same team. He is older than me and we always talk about that game. I usually win the games hahahaha.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Trip.

I am David.

I like to travel around the World. I have traveled more than ten countries in the world and I like to learn about their culture. I have been in Germany and I know that I drank the best beer. I went to French and I know that Paris is the light city.

I have been in Argentina, I met three different cities. One of them is Buenos Aires, I liked a lot. It looks like European city. I saw Boca Vs River. They are the best team in Argentina. The second city is San Juan. I love that city because there are the best hockey players in the world. The third is Mendoza. There was my first championship abroad of my country.

I went to United States and I visited three cities. The first city is New York and I liked a lot because I watched that city in many movies. When I arrived there I felt that I am in a movie. The second is Detroit and I could see where the movie’s of Robocop was made. The third city is Mackinac Island. I lived there for four months and I worked in the fudge company called Ryba’s Fudge. I ate chocolate all time and I didn’t gain weight.

I know more countries. But, I’m going to talk about that later. I hope that you like my story about my trips.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Kristi Is The Best Teacher

kriste is the best teacher because she is very organized and she loves chocolate.