Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Collection.

Four years ago I started a collection of Harley Davidson. My mother bought me small things in the Harley Davidson store in Colombia. After that I started to buy too many things like a watch, jackets and sunglasses. Now I have more than 50 things. When I was in the Unites States, I bought a lot of things for my family and for me. I was alone in Michigan for my birthday. I was very sad. So, I decided to buy thing and maybe I would feel better. I bought my watch and I felt a little bit better. I like to go the Harley Davidson store and look for something that I don’t have, but I have to go with my parents and ask them if I can buy that thing that I don’t have at home. A few months ago I was in a real funny situation because I had a lot of things but I didn’t have a motorcycle. However, today I have motorcycle and I have a huge amount of stuff.

Every day I want to buy a new thing from Harley Davidson. I hope that when I work I can buy whatever I want from that store.


Eugene said...

Hello david~
What's up?^^
Do you like Harley Davison??
What's that? I don't know it very well..;;Is there motorcycle brand or sport brand?
I think you really like the brand..
In my case, I usually like adidas brand.
Anyway, it looks good^^.

JINO said...

Hi, David.
Your picture is so nice.
When I saw you first time, you wore 'Harley Davidson' T-shirt and bag. Actully, I thought that you bought 'Harley Davidson' motorcycle and receive T-shirt. kk
But, not now. You told me about that. You are 'Harley Davidson' maniac.^^ Is it right??

fahad said...

Wow awosome David I like it and I know you are crazy about Harley Davidson because i think evry things you have it is Harley Davidson.

Kristi said...

Wow! You sure do have a big collection! Are the items expensive or reasonable?