Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hockey is my life !!!!

Hi everyone today I want to talk about what I like to do. I love to play hockey and I have played for 16 years. I play hockey roller skate. I played for D´RAPEG hockey club (this is the name of my club in Bogotá) I went to national park in Bogotá to play hockey. I have good discipline and I like to do exercise every day. I have a lot of friends there, friends that I met 10 years ago. I went to championships in Colombia and in different countries around the world. That is the reason why I traveled a lot. I was in Bogotá’s team and we won a lot of championships. I was in the national team. I played for Colombia in Argentina and Uruguay. My family love hockey like me. My father is a referee and my mother likes to yell and say (go David go David go) she loves watching my games. My brother likes to play like me. But, we are in different team. When our teams are going to play, my brother and I want to win. In the game we fight a lot. However, we know that it is just a game. We are ok in our house. I hope that one day we will play in the same team. He is older than me and we always talk about that game. I usually win the games hahahaha.


Eugene said...

I heard that you really like hockey. Is the pictures all you? right? Wow~~ really surprised!!
I really want to watch your hockey playing. But, I hope that you never hurt because of hockey. You had better always watch out!!OK?^^
See you guy~ have a great weekend good friend~

Kristi said...

Wow! Your discipline in hockey has spilled over into the rest of your life. I can see it in your work ethic and how dedicated you are to your studies! :)


That is amaging~ ^^
you looked so happy when you played hockey.
when did you start playing hockey?
someday, let's play hockey together.
ah~ are you going to go to banff this friday?
probably, i'm not going there.
if you are going there , have a fun..

Liliana said...


David I think your parents are proud their sons. When I sad your pictures I remember my son, because I hope can see grow up when he practice his deports.

fahad said...

Hi Mr. I know you love hockey but I didn't know you're famous in hockey in your country.

I hope you will be the player in your team.

keep work hard and good luck my friend.